We have formed the Autonomous Revolutionary Nordic Alliance!

Alongside groups from all over the Nordic countries we have formed the Autonomous Revolutionary Nordic Alliance (ARNA)! Go check out the website at https://infoarna.org for a comprehensive overview.

Who are we?

We are a network of anti-capitalist, feminist and antifascist groups from the Nordic countries, wishing to organize a strong Nordic participation in the protest against the G20 summit in July. Read more about our political views in the political platform below.

The alliance has been formed in anticipation of the G20-meeting in Hamburg but our ambition moves far beyond this: we hope to create a lasting network for joint action, logistics and political discussion. Our internationalist ambition means that we move beyond borders in our activism to create a joint resistance against state, patriarchy and capitalism.

We want a society without classes and and without states

Our political ambitions are guided by the same goal: that we want to liberate humanity and create a free association of everyone for everyone. By necessity this means the end of reckless exploitation of nature, an end to war and an end to nation-states.

We are revolutionaries

Class society is a murderous creature, all historical progress in it has been combated through violent resistance from the system itself. We know that we need a revolution in order to overthrow capitalism and usher in a new world.

We are against parliamentary politics

Bourgeoisie parliaments are the administration of the capitalist system, a system which necessarily changes the most hardened revolutionary who goes into parliaments into a bureaucrat for the upholding of class society.

We are against reformism

Reformism is always intrinsically linked with parliamentary politics and class society, it divides movements and leads them away from being able to smash capitalism and instead strengthens it. We are opposed to all groups, movements and tendencies which strike deals with our class enemies and which for this cause attempts to represent and reign in radical movements.

We are feminists

Patriarchal domination exists on every level of our society. We combat sexist tendencies both in the streets and inside of the revolutionary movement itself. Fighting the lack of access to power and resources which women and non-binary individuals suffer is at the forefront of any anticapitalist development, there is no revolutionary struggle without a feminist struggle.

We are antifascists

Our society is built on a global division of labor and exploitation. Tens of thousands are left to suffer and die due to the politics of the European countries. Fascist mobilizations and reactionary groups try to whip up racist antagonisms which hide the true conflicts in society, those between the global working class and the owning class. Thus we develop antifascist and antiracist strategies and practices in all sectors of life.

We are in solidarity with each other

Solidarity is not just a slogan for us but a way of life and an absolute necessity. Solidarity means to organise to support each other in order to form true collectivity, beyond national borders and against the attempts of the state and capital to divide us. Solidarity is our weapon.

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